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Sir Walter Raleigh (c.1552 - 29 October, 1618), was a famed English writer, poet, courtier and explorer. He was responsible for establishing the second English colony in the New World (after Newfoundland was established by Sir Humphrey Gilbert nearly one year previously, August 5 1583), on June 4, 1584, at Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. When the third attempt at settlement failed, the ultimate fate of the colonists was never authoritatively ascertained, and it became known as "The Lost Colony".

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Q: What was Sir Walter Raleigh?
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Who was Sir Walter Raleigh and what happened to his colony at Roanoke?

Sir Walter Raleigh was an English aristocrat, soldier, courtier and explorer. No one is quite sure what happened to Roanoke - that is why it's been nicknamed the "Lost Colony."

What do you remember about Sir Walter Raleigh?

what i remember about Sir Walter is that he married Bess. he was born in Devonshire England during the times Walter father leased Hayes barton from the dukes family. he went to prison and wored with queen Elizabeth where he was not his favorite. what I want to know is that when did Walter get married?how many children he had with Bess?and Why would the queen of England listen to a sailors scheme,or plan/

What did sir Walter Raleigh introduce to England?

The answer usually is thought to be 'tobacco' or 'smoking'. This is however incorrect, for tobacco had been brought to Europe and England long before him. He did however popularize smoking and because he smoked, it became fashionable in 'polite' company.

What person or thing was West Virgina named after?

The Colony of Virginia was claimed for the British Crown in 1584 by Sir Walter Raleigh though it was later abandoned until 1607. At the time the Queen of England was Elizabeth the First - sometimes known as the Virgin Queen - Hence Virginia. When the United States was formed, West Virginia was one of the states created from the old Colony along with Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.

What were the Names the knights of the round table?

Sir Galahad Sir Launcelot Deulake Sir Lancelot du Lac Sir Gauen Sir Gawain Sir Percyvale Sir Percivale Sir Lyonell Sir Lionell Sir Trystram Delyens Sir Tristram de Lyones Sir Garethe Sir Gareth Sir BedwereSir Bedivere Sir Blubrys Sir Bleoberis Sir Lacotemale Tayle La Cote Male Taile Sir Lucane Sir Lucan Sir Plomyde Sir Palomedes Sir Lamorak Sir Lamorak Sir Bors De Ganys Sir Bors de Ganis Sir Safer Sir Safer Sir Pelleus Sir Pelleas Sir Kay Sir Kay Sir Ectorde Marys Sir Ector de Maris Sir Dagonet Sir Dagonet Sir Degore Sir Degore Sir Brumear Sir Brunor le Noir Sir Lybyus Dysconyus Le Bel Desconneu Sir Alynore Sir Alymere Sir Mordrede Sir Mordred