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it meant death to all who didn't except the doctrines of the catholic church

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Q: What was Spain like before the 1400 for non Christians?
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There were no cars invented in the 1400's.

What was Spain like in the 14th century?

At that time Spain consisted of a small collection of kingdoms - Castile, Aragon, Leon and Navarre.

How do they pronounce the letter y in Spain?

Before a vowel it is like the g in "gentle". After a consonant it is like the i in igloo.

Whom did the Spanish Inquisition invade?

The Spanish Inquisition was not an external conquest : it was the suppression of non-Christians within Spain. At the time, the Catholic Church had considerable official power among countries, especially Catholic ones like Spain.

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42 thousand

What would it be like to live in Scotland in the 1400's?

not fun

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It was an unspoiled pristine wilderness.

What are nondenominational Christians?

Christians who do not have a denomination like, Luteran, catholic, Etc.

Why do Muslim parents encourage their children not to like christians?

Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!