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Q: What was The year 250 AD is the year 250 BC?
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Is the year 250 AD earlier or later than the year 250 BC?

250 AD is later than 250 BC. Translation: 250 years after christ is later than 250 years before christ/

What goes first ad or bc?

BC, because that means "before Christ". So 250 years BC is 250 years before Christ was born. AD means anno Domini, or "after death" (of Christ). The year 77 AD is 77 years after christ died. This year is 2008 AD.

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How to calculate years using bc from ac?

Take the BC year and add it to the AD year with present year and bc & ad

Is 2001 a BC year or an AD year?

Both. It was the last year of the 21st century BC, and the first year of the 21st century AD.

What years were the Mayans predominant in Mexico?

2000 BC - 250 AD

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Did AD come before or after BC?

AD followed BC. BC stood for Before Christ, and AD after him (Anno Domini, "year of our lord").Note that this means 1 BC was immediately followed by 1 AD, with no "zero year" between them.

What do ad and bc mean related to time?

BC = before christ AD = Anno Domini (year of our Lord) we are in the year 2011, time before year 1 was BC time afterwards (what we live in) is AD

What happened in the time period between AD and BC?

Nothing. There was no time period between BC and AD. 1 BC was followed by 1 AD. There was no year zero or any gap between BC and AD.

Does AD go before or after the year?

AD is after and BC before

What is mean AD AND BC?

BC = Before Christ. AD = Anno Domini (latin) the year of Christ's birth.