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Q: What was Vichy France and what country did it ally itself with?
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Did any french ally with Germany in World War 2?

Yes, millions. After Germany defeated France the Germans set up a puppet regime in France, headquartered in Vichy. The Vichy regime was under the leadership of octogenarian WWI hero Field Marshal Petain, but active direction was by Premier Pierre Laval. The Germans initially occupied only northern France, and the Vichy regime controlled the south. The Vichy were a German ally, and the official government of France. When US troops landed in North Africa in November 1942, they went ashore in French colonies, Morocco and Algeria. The military there were under the orders of Vichy and fought the US for three or four days, but the heart of the troops was not really in it, and they soon surrendered and came over to the Allied side.The Vichy regime "invited" Germany's ally, Japan, to occupy the French colony of Indochina (Vietnam). This caused the US to embargo the sale of oil to Japan, which in turn caused the Japanese to decide on war with the US and led to Pearl Harbor.There were thousands of French fascists, who eagerly cooperated with the Germans (called "collaboration"). Many French Jews were denounced by other Frenchmen and went to the death camps. There was an entire SS Division made up of eager French volunteers, the Charlemange Division.After France was liberated in every French town women who had dated German soldiers were publicly stripped and had their heads shaved by the Resistance. Collaborators by the thousands were charged in French courts with the crime of collaboration with the Germans, which could carry the death penalty, and many were executed, including the Vichy Premier, Laval.

What was major tension between France and Germany?

There really was no major tension between the two; France was just an ally of a country at war with Germany

With which country did Germany ally itself with in May 1939?

Japan and Italy. They also tried to align itself with Britain and Russia but these treaties failed

Was Libya an axis or an allie in World War 2?

Algeria was a French colony during the war, so, as France went, so did Algeria. Thus, at first Algeria was opposed to the Germans and were on the Allied side. Then the Germans invaded France and France lost, and was occupied by the Germans, who installed a puppet regime, called the Vichy government after the town where it was based. This French government was an "ally" of the Germans, and so, Algeria was also an ally of the Germans. In November 1942, in Operation Torch, American and British troops invaded Algeria and Morocco. The French troops there, and colonial units as well, fought the British and Americans for three or four days, but nobody really wanted that to be going on, so the French in North Africa, and the Algerians and Moroccans, changed sides, and were back on the Allied side for the rest of the war. Now Algeria was part of the "Free French", because the Vichy regime continued to run mainland Metropolitan France and be an ally of Germany until the invasion of France deposed them.