

What was WW2 event or issue?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What was WW2 event or issue?
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This is WW2.

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The Holocaust was a part of WW2 .

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100-1000 or more USD

What is the issue depicted?

Issue depicted refers to a given event that is brought fourth by the ideas.

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In ww2 those cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons.

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Slavery was an issue that contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas. Bleeding Kansas was also known as the Bloody Kansas war.

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Over 60 years since the end of WW2.

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It was already beginning to lift before this, but WW2 completely ended it.

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The Great War (WW1) was simply overshadowed by WW2.

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Sonar was used to detect and hunt submarines in WW2

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Kansas-Nebraska Act

What event contributed to the bleeding Kansas?

Slavery was an issue that contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas. Bleeding Kansas was also known as the Bloody Kansas war.