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A very big man at over 300 lbs, he got stuck in a bathtub

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Q: What was William Howard embarrassing moment in the white house?
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William Howard Taft.

Which president of the US had to have aspecial made bathtub in the white house?

William Howard Taft

Did William Howard Taft have a white house dog?

Yes, he had a dog named Caruso.

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William Howard Taft followed Roosevelt in the White House.

Did John Adums once got stuck in a White House bathtub?

Nope, but William Howard Taft did.

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He was William Howard Taft who kept a cow in order to have fresh milk.

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When was Howard P. House born?

Howard P. House was born in 1908.

When did Howard P. House die?

Howard P. House died in 2003.

Who was the last president to keep a cow on the white house front lawn?

William Howard Taft kept a cow in order to have fresh milk.

When he was the president of the united statesa special bath tube large enough for four men was moved into the white house?

William Howard Taft

This president weighed over 300 pounds and once got stuck in the bathtub?

William Howard Taft was the largest of all the presidents, tipping the scales at over 330 pounds. He got stuck in the White House bathtub and it took four men to remove him. After that incident, a new oversized bathtub was installed that was 7 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. There is no evidence, however that he actually broke a bathtub.