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Q: What was a civil defense warden?
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How can you use the word civil in a sentence?

Although she divorced her husband, they have a fairly civil relationship. The matter was referred to a civil court. During the war, my grandfather was a warden for the Civil Defense.

Is a prison warden a civil servant?

Yes - they work for the prison service - which is a civil service.

When did Office of Civil Defense end?

Office of Civil Defense ended in 1964.

When was Office of Civil Defense created?

Office of Civil Defense was created in 1961.

When was Federal Civil Defense Administration created?

Federal Civil Defense Administration was created in 1951.

What are the active and passive measures taken to protect the area population and infrastructure of the US and its possessions and territories?

homeland defense and civil support operations

Who is the Minister of Civil Defense for New Zealand?

Nikki Kaye is the Minister of Civil Defense for New Zealand.

Who are the civil defense?

the civil defence are people who help people

When did civil defense start?


Can civil defense posters be used in online advertising?

Civil defense posters that are entirely works of the U.S. Government are not protected by copyright.

Where can one learn more about civil defense?

One can learn more about civil defense on Wikipedia. They have much information on its history, importance and implementation. One can also learn more on the official American Civil Defense Association website.

When does Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities?

when its legal