

Best Answer

The sale price of cars went down.

a. The sale price of the average car increased.

b. The sale price of cars went down.

c. more Americans bought cars from overseas.

d. fewer Americans had jobs.

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Q: What was a major result of Henry fords innovative manufacturing techniques?
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How did industrial manufacturing change as a result of the production techniques introduced by Henry Ford?

Henry Ford used an assembly line system to build cars quickly and affordably.

What was the major result of Henry Fords innovation manufacturing techniques?

It allowed cars to be made faster and sold at a lower price. This allowed the average American to buy an automobile. The price went from $850 in 1909 to $250 by the 1920s.

What happened as a result of the production techniques introduced by Henry ford?

The development of the Model T car and the advancement of production resulted from the techniques introduced by Henry Ford. This man is known for his developments in early cars.

What was a major result of Henry fords manufacturing techniques?

The sale price of cars went down. a. The sale price of the average car increased. b. The sale price of cars went down. c. more Americans bought cars from overseas. d. fewer Americans had jobs.

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