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for some cities it was mostly farming

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Q: What was a typical day for citizens in each city in ancient Greece?
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The city-states of ancient Greece and the Rome republic had citizens voting in?

Direct Democracies

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

What did the establishment of democracy allow citizens in Ancient Greece to do?

It removed the control of the oligarchs and gave the citizens control of their city-state.

How did the direct democracy work in Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

In what lawmaking body did people vote on issues hat helped to shape the future of the city in ancient Greece?

The Assembly of the citizens.

Is Greece a city state?

No, Ancient Greece was not a city state. city sates were part of Greece

Greek city-states were run by their?

Tyrants. Note: In Ancient Greece, the word "tyrant" meant "ruler," not "evil despot."

What country is Ancient Greece in?

The many city states of Ancient Greece is basically where modern Greece is.

What statement best describes a difference between the political system in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome?

Ancient Greece was more committed to democratic ideals-Apex

Who were the citizens loyal to to in Greece?


What are the facts about ancient greece?

Ancient Greece had around 100 city states!

The polis or city-state of ancient Greece was .?

a city and the agricultural lands surrounding it