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Thomas Hunt Morgan?

Probably because working with his flies he saw large mutational events that lead him to a saltationist position. That the greatest driving force in evolution is mutation. He was a geneticist before the new synthesis showed the true power of natural selection.

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12y ago
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14y ago

A mechanism of heredity. Darwin had only a blending mechanism called panspermia that was totally wrong. Google it. Mendelian genetics had it basically right, but that was not rediscovered until about 1900.

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12y ago

It is more complicated than you might expect.

It takes a long time (thousands of generations).

Nonetheless, extremely few intelligent and knowledgeable people doubt the veracity of evolution.

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11y ago

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Evidence is only as weak as the hypotheses it is intended to support or reject. If a hypothesis is unfalsifiable through the observational methods available, then it is a weak hypothesis.

As for arguments, that is a different story. There are good arguments, and there are bad arguments. Good arguments use premises that are demonstrably true, and their conclusions follow directly from known facts, from evidence. Bad arguments rest on assumptions that cannot be demonstrated to be true, or on assuming the conclusion.

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10y ago

Speaking from 1859, when the theory of evolution by natural selection was Darwin's, we know that Darwin did not have a good mechanism of heredity as his " blending " concept was incorrect. Still, it has been over 150 years since the theory was formulated and it not only is no longer just Darwin's theory but the modified and updated theory that underpins all of Biology.

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13y ago

A mechanism for heredity.

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Hey your doing the same assignment as me!