

Best Answer
Albert Einstein is known best for his theory of relativity, an improved model of reality which succeeded the less-precise Newtonian model. He described basic connections between space and time, matter and energy. He considered space and time to be manifestations of the same underlying thing, as well as matter and energy. Because his theories were so complicated and controversial, it sometimes took a decade or more until they were accepted by the scientific community.
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Formulating the Special theory of Relativity, which includes the equation E = MC2

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Who was best known for the theory of relativity?

albert einstien.

Albert Einstein why is he famous?

Albert Einstein is best known for his Theory on Relativity i.e. E = mc2

What was Albert Einstein's main accompplishment?

Albert Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity: e=mc^2

What was Albert Einstein best known as?

the creator of the theory of relativity

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The most known Einstein is Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, he did not actually create anything. He is best known for his theory of relativity.

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Best known for theory of relativity

Albert Einstein was best in what?

Albert Einstein was the best in:PHYSICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(which is science) By Tara

Albert Einstein is best known for?

His 2 theories of Special & General Relativity.

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There is no evidence that Albert Einstein made any great contributions to the field of mathematics. He used math extensively in his work in physics for which he is best known.

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What type of science is Albert Einstein most known for?

Albert Einstein is most well-known for his work in theoretical physics