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Q: What was an Excuse for lord of the flies boys to act like savages?
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How have the boys transformed throughout the novel lord of the flies?

they have become savages and forgot about who they are like percival forgets his name. then the naval officer shows up and everyone starts crying because of what have done.

What does Ralph realize with a convulsion of the mind?

That the boys lives are turning savage and that they are even starting to look like savages and not like the civilised being they actually are deep within.

How do the boys know to sit down the lord of the flies?

Like a somebode.

How do the boys know to sit down in lord of the flies?

Like a somebode.

What does percival symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

The boys have been on the island so long that they are forgetting what life is like back home. There are no proper rules and the boys are not looked after properly and slowly, they forget more and more things as they become more like savages. It even goes as far as Percival forgetting his name.

What was guerrilla style warfare like?

Cannibalistic savages

How do they boys maintain a connection to their prior life in lord of the flies?

By creating a set of rules. After Ralph become their leader they create a set of rules, what/where the lavatory is, building shelters, fetching food, lighting the fire (fighting for rescue). This diminishes fast though. Also Ralphs group after the boys split combs their hair back (society influence tells you to do this) to prevent themselves from looking like jacks group (a pack of savages).

How do you spell excuse in spanish?

escusa but that is the term for excuse like i need an excuse to not go compermiso means excuse me

From what country did the boys come in lord of the flies?

The boys in "Lord of the Flies" came from England. They were being evacuated during a nuclear war and their plane crashed on a deserted island.

What do the boys think of Jack in the Lord of the Flies?

The boys think that Jack is kinda cool when he walks in with all of his choir boys but further in the stoy he gets weird. he acts more like a savage

What is the literary term for they danced and gyrated like tortured savages?

Simile (:

What is excuse you in Korean?

There is no real translation for 'excuse you', it's more like, move it. Which is: bi kyuh!