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Q: What was an important port for Texas in the civil war?
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Important Wars in Texas?

Texas War of Independence. Mexican-American War. Indian Wars. Civil War.

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what were the sources of the conflict in texas after the civil war?

What role did Texas play in the civil war and how did the civil war affect Texas?

Texas became one of the proud confederate states.

How did the US Civil War affect Texas government after the civil war?

the Texas gov. was not affected (remember the alamos)

Who did Texas favor in the civil war?

Concerning Texas and The US Civil War, Texas joined the Confederacy. The State seceded in February of 1861.

When was National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus created?

National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus was created in 1962.

What battle helped the confederates keep an important port open?

The reason why there was a civil war because of Ed. Doff Hitler

What lasting changes will the civil war bring to Texas?

Its something about the civil war

What is the web address of the Texas Civil War Museum in Wht Settlemt Texas?

The web address of the Texas Civil War Museum is:

What is the web address of the Port Columbus Civil War Naval in Columbus Georgia?

The web address of the Port Columbus Civil War Naval is: