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Organizing nursing groups to tend to the wounded

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Q: What was an important way that northern and southern women contributed to the war effect?
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What direction is the Coriolis effect in the northern and southern hemisphere?

In the Northern hemisphere, the direction is clockwise... In the Southern, it turns anti-clockwise.

What was the beneficial effect of building the Grand Canal?

Made it possible to ship grain and other goods from southern or northern china

What influenced the most the northern and southern positions about slavery?

The economic effect of slavery - Apex

What influenced the northern and southern positions the most about slavery?

The economic effect of slavery - Apex

Who do cyclones effect?

cyclones effect mostly people in the southern hemisphere because people in the northern hemisphere call them hurricanes

A major effect of the war labor shortage was?

A great migration of southern African-Americans to northern cities

The Northern and Southern positions regarding slavery were primarily influenced by?

the economic impact of slavery.the enconimc effect on slavery.

What is known as deflection of particles?

The deflection of particles to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere is known as the Coriolis effect.

Why do wind curve to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere?

The Coriolis Effect, a consequence of Earth's rotation, causes this.

What was the beneficial effect of the building the grand canal?

Made it possible to ship grain and other goods from southern or northern china

Why are the gyres in the northern hemisphere separate from the gyres in the southern hemisphere?

The currents flow in opposite directions due to the Coriolis effect.

What effect does the hemisphere have on the seasons?

The hemisphere you are in (northern or southern) has an effect on when you experience the seasons. At points in the earth's orbit it is either the southern or northern hemisphere that is tilted further towards the sun. This makes that hemisphere warmer, experiencing summer while the other colder and experiences winter. Then six months later, things are reversed.