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Well, he made piece with the Indians and started an army.

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Q: What was coronado's impact on American Indians?
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What affects did Coronados exploration have on the Indians?

Coronado's exploration brought violence, disease, and disruption to the Native American communities he encountered. The Spanish conquest led to destruction of native societies, including loss of life, land, and cultural practices. It also introduced European diseases that decimated indigenous populations.

What kind of impact did spanish contacts have on American Indians?

The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.

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local native american indians withered away

What was one impact of European exploration on Native American Indians?

onne nagative impact was that the europians would take the indians to Europe and show them the kind of people there is in the new world

What impact did the arrival of the English in the new England have on the Native Americans?

local native american indians withered away

What impact did the arrival of the English in New England have in the native Americans?

local native american indians withered away

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The American Revolution impacted Georgia culture. Revolutionary war veterans were granted land in Georgia. The Indians were controlled more and the colonists expanded.

Who were Coronados friends?

fray Marcus the explorer

What was coronados outcome?

Nothing,It was a failed mission.

What impact did the Europeans have on the American Indians?

Our culture and beliefs were eradicated from our memory. Our language is almost extinct as is the Choctaw Indians. We have no idea what our ancestors wanted us to know. We now only have a pow-wow and not much else.

Did American Indians make beer?

Beer was made by American Indians

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By serving as a bridge between Indians and non indians