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Q: What was daily life like for the soldiers during civil war?
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What was some of the entertainment during civil war?

Some people chose to watch the war, but others did other things. Some provided homes, clothes, food or shelter for the soldiers, and others continued on with their daily life.

Controversial issues DURING the Civil War?

During the Civil War, the loss of life was a major issue as was the cost of the war. Another controversy involved the forced conscription of soldiers.

What were the problems of daily life that soldiers had experienced during the civil war what resulted from these problems?

they had poor food and unsanitary water,also they had drills everyday. more people died from diseases than being killed in the war.

Which terrible Effects on the Civil War on soldiers and civilians?

No food, no life. Soldiers were issued food, civilians had to starve...or sell...

Use of civil engineering in daily life?

There are so many different uses of civil engineering in daily life. Some of them include power stations, using buildings and roads among others forms of constructions.

What was women life like duing the civil war?

they were basically nurses and helpers to the soldiers

What was daily life like at the mission?

it was hard for the native americans beacause the spanish soldiers were unkind to them.

What were the highlines in Clara Barton's life?

An independent woman who helped nurse soldiers and get supplies during the Civil War, Clara Barton is best known for founding the American Red Cross.

What was the daily life in mission San Carlos borromeos daily life for soldier na priests and soldiers?

Each mission had 5-6 soldiers who didn’t do much, but mistreat and rape Native American women. The Priests lived a simple life, but also mistreated the mission Native Americans.

Where did soldiers of the 1861 Civil War come from?

During the American Civil War, soldiers for both sides of the conflict came from all walks of life. Initially relying on volunteers, both the South and the North engaged creatively in various campaigns (including conscription) later in the war in order to maintain the ranks of their armed forces.

What role did animals play in world war 1?

Animals helped soldiers with daily life conditions!