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Merry as a school boy

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In Stave 5 of "A Christmas Carol," Scrooge says he is as merry as a schoolboy. This indicates his newfound joy and happiness as he embraces the spirit of the Christmas season.

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What does Scrooge buy in A Christmas Carol?

A Turkey in Stave 5

How did Scrooge act to the door knocker?

IN Stave one he is in shock to see what he though was Marleys face appear on the brass door knocker. This was the starting point for what was to come. In the stave 5 Scrooge checks the knocker does not change meaning Marley was not coming back to haunt him

What is Scrooge's attitude toward toward his nephew?

Initially cold and distance to the point of extreme rudeness. In stave 5 Scrooge sees the error of his ways and begs for forgiveness of Fred and his wife

How does Scrooge change in stave 1 to 5?

He changes from a grim, heartless, selfish old devil to the very soul of kindness and generosity.

21 At the beginning of section 5 aka Stave 5 Scrooge is happy that the time before him is his own Why would time be so important to Scrooge?

Because he is still alive and teh ghost have done all their work in one night

Why has Scrooge changed in stave 5?

His experiances with the three ghosts tell him what he is missing in life, how he can help others and what will happen to him that very Christmas eve should he not make the chages required of him

How many lines on a stave?

5, but these can be extended above and below the stave.

How does Scrooge change in stave 5?

He finally realises that despite all his welsth and misery he inflicts he will if he does not change die a lonely, poor man doomed to walk the earth forever in torment

What did Scrooge want to see happen or experience in stave 5?

In Stave 5, Scrooge wanted to see if he had truly changed and could make amends for his past actions. He wanted to experience redemption and a second chance to live a better life. Ultimately, he wanted to bring joy and happiness to others by showing kindness and generosity.

What is the falling action in Christmas carol?

Its starts in Stave 5 with Scrooge awakening in his own bed on Christmas morning realising that he did not die and therefore the ghosts have accepted his oath to change. This causes him great excitment

How does Scrooge's and the charity collector's relationship change?

In stave one Scrooge rebukes the charity collectors throughout their plea for a charitable donation, citing the use of prisons or workhouses and even the dreaded treadmill as an alternative to being poor. In stave 5, Scrooge has made an oath that he will keep Christmas in his heart throughout the year, and on finding the portly gentlemen in the city of London on Christmas day, he whispers an untold amount of money in the ear of one adding that it includes interest for all the years that he failed to help. They are both shocked at this and of course delighted.

What is the tone of A Christmas Carol and how does it change in stave 4?

The main theme in this book is " Christmas Spirit " .All of "A Christmas Carol " is about the celebration of Christmas and the good it inspires .At Christmas , people forget their pointless disputes , selfishness , and the burdens of work in favor of friendship , charity and celebration .Theme based around Christmas, miserly old man is shown the error of his ways by Three Christmas Ghosts