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Mid-ocean ridges and trenches

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Q: What was discovered that led to the knowledge that tectonic plates exist?
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What are the harm of tectonic plates?

While the movement of the tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, without them life on earth would not exist as we know it. The fact that Earth has tectonic plates that move has resulted in the planet ws we know it so there can be NO harm from our perspective.

What are seismic plates?

seismic plates, or tectonic plates, are huge 'plates' of rocks that exist beneath the earth's surface that rest upon molten rock. It is on the borders of these plates that 'fault lines' occur and these are hotspots of volcanic and seismic activity such as earthquakes.

What do tectonic plates do at a transform plate boundary?

Basically plate tectonics is movement of lithospheric plates on the semisolid asthenosphere, the plates move because of the convectional current produced in mantel of earth. when these plates colloid with each other energy is released in the form of earthquake.

What are the effects of a mars- quake?

BY what it seems you mean earthquake really. But a marsquake or earthquakes on mars don't exist because the planet has no tectonic plates like earth does

What are the boundaries of tectonic plates?

Are are three main plate boundaries (PBs) between tectonic plates: Constructive PBs, Destructive PBs, and Transform PBs. Constructive plate boundaries exist where tectonic plates pull apart from one another and underlying mantle rises and cools to form more crust. Destructive plate boundaries occur where plates collide - most commonly pushing one plate under the other so that it melts and is destroyed in the hot mantle. Where the plates aren't pulling away or pushing against each other, we have transform faults where plates grind past one another. A common example is the transform fault zone including the San Andreas fault in the west of the USA.

Why do oceanic rises and oceanic ridges exist?

They are located at spreading centers in the middle of the ocean. As tectonic plates move apart, magma fills it in and creates ridges and rises which are essentially mountain chains.

What is a good sentence for divergent boundaries?

My girlfriend broke up with me, saying that we were developing divergent boundaries. In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries are linear features that exist between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.

IF old mountains wear down over the course of millions of years what is one of the primary resons that mountains still exist?

The lithosperic plates keep pushing up. New mountains are created through tectonic and volcanic activity.

Where do fault zones exist?

Geological faults are cracks in the crust of the Earth. They are planar fractures in an area of rock where there is displacement of the rock. Faults are usually associated with tectonic plates.

How sciences came to exist?

I think that the reason for it is the discovery of uncertain or unexpected things that usually an individual in the past doesn't discovered by chance... Or in other words by ''accident '', for example...usually people from the past has no prior knowledge of science... And they actually discovered things like '' fire '' because of curiosity... That's how science exist.

How many large lithosphere plates exist?


Why doesn't Pangaea exist today?

the plates are moving