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Q: What was found after the archeologists?
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What year did archeologists find Tuts tomb?

His tomb was found on November 4th 1922.

Did paleos were moccasins?

As Archeologists know Paleo people did not where shoes... They have found the oldest show and is not that old.

When was King Tutankhamuns mummy found?

In November 1922 by archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon.

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archeologists found pieces of cloth attached to the lid of a vase.they have also found spendle whoresmade of terracotta and faience in order to spin thread.from these archeologists came to know that harappan people used cloth.

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at kit carson colorado archeologists found the spear head and at a bat cave in south west new mexico they found evidence that indians leared to store corn(us history e2020)

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They were all found in the black land.I am 110% positive

What is meant by archeologists?

archeologists are the persons who study about the past with the help of the ancient ruins

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The archeologists have not found an answer accepted by all. Hunt magic, initiation rites, religious ceremonies,???

How do we know the Vikings Existed?

They're repeatedly mentioned in old books, and they left a lot that's been found by archeologists.

Which is the best conclusion to be drawn from the fact that the archeologists found no coffin when they entered Tut's tomb?

i think its they wree in the tombs antechamber/