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The revenge was because the OLYMPIAN GODS imprisoned Gaea's children, the Titans in the TARTARUS

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Q: What was gaia's revenge the greek god?
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The greek god of war is Ares

Who is the Greek god of jealousy?

I don't know if there is a god of jealousy, but there is a god of revenge: Nemesis.

What was the job of the greek god Hercules?

He was not exactly a Greek god. He was a Greek demigod (half god, half human) who is widely known for the Labors of Hercules, given to him by Hera in revenge for being born.

What is the greek goddess gaias simbol?

Gaia as goddess who personifies the Earth, thus the Earth itself is the symbol of Gaia.

In Greek mythology what do you never say to a God?

you never say that you are better than them because they will get their revenge on those who say that -By "revenge," it's usually your death. You could only say something to a god in their shrine, or in a prayer.

Goals of Hades the Greek God?

He wanted to get revenge on the Titans who came before the Greek gods. He was Zeus and Poseidon brother but he was jealous that he was not the king of the gods and sky

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What is revenge considered?

revenge is against God and it is considered to God a sin. If you have taken revenge, repent and accept Christ as your Lord and saviour

What is the greek word for revenge?


Who was the Greek goddess of revenge?


What is the best revenge when the person you love treat you bad?

the best revenge is pray to god and thank the god god because he knows what is better for u.if the person has really done wrong , god will take revenge.

What are some minor greek gods?

Hecate minor goddess of magic, Nemesis minor goddess of Revenge, Morpheus minor god of dreams, sleep, Prometheus minor god of the future, Adonis minor god of Handsomeness.