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South Carolina was voting to secede

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Q: What was happening at the same time the Crittenden was pushing a compromise to settle the slavery question?
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What was happening at the same time that Crittenden was pushing a compromise to settle the slavery question?

South Carolina was voting to secede at the same time that Crittenden was pushing a compromise to settle the slavery question.

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In the 1876 election, Tilden won the popular vote. However, 20 electoral vote were in dispute (where both parties in the 3 states claimed their candidate won). Eventually, these were given to Hayes. It is implied by many that the compromise to allow Hayes as president was in exchange for pulling Union troops out of the South. The Compromise in effect restored the old political order in the South, pushing African-Americans out of power in the government. Soon after the compromise, African-Americans were barred from voting by poll taxes and grandfather clauses.

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The answer to this question is right here: I wish that people would stop pushing us around.

List five examples of pushing forces?

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