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defiantly the wheel

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Q: What was invented first Boat or Wheel?
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Related questions

When was the first boat invented?

The first boat invented was in 4000BC.

What invention was first made in history?

Wheel,it is invited by the sumerians. Can we be certain that the wheel was invented first by the Sumsarians? And can we be certain that 'the boat', e.g. a hollowed out log, was not invented before the wheel? Think also of built dwellings (i.e. not caves) - probably they too came before the wheel.

When was the first speed boat invented?

The first speed boat was invented in 1910 by David Harmon

Who invented the steering wheel?

who invented the first steering wheel

Who invented the first fishing boat?

The fishing boat was invented in 1912 by Otis Evinrude.

When was the paddle wheel boat invented?

It was invented in the 4th Century AD by the Chinese while the Song Dynasty was in reign.why were the paddle wheel boats important

Which was first invented airplane or steamboat?

the steam boat was invented first

Where was the first speed boat invented?

it was invented in Michigan

Where was the first boat invented?

There is evidence that the first boat was invented by settlers in Australia. This dates back to over 40,000 years ago.

When was the first coal powered boat made?

Coal was invented in 2001, and the first coal powered boat was invented in 2008. it sank.

Who invented the first wheel?

The Sumerians invented the wheel. They made out of steel, iron and rock.

When was the first wheel with spokes invented?

Who invented the first wheel? I honestly dont know, but it was one of the greatest invention ever!