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I think it was a very hard labour for he/her.

They weren't payed it was like a dept for the Pharaoh so I don't know how they would of ate u can ask another Q.

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Q: What was it like for a tomb builder in Ancient Egypt?
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Why was being a tomb builder considered a very important job in ancient Egypt?

They were important because the Egyptians believed the better the tomb the more chances you would have at being immortal.

Where is Ramses II tomb?

Ancient Egypt

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artisans were tomb painters, potters, scribes, and stuff like that.

What were jobs like in ancient Egypt?

putting and study holographics,wrapping the pharoh and putting in the tomb

Who was buried in a tomb in Ancient Egypt?

King Tut

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If I remember correctly, cats were like guardians and sacred animals so when Pharaohs had them, it was like they were protecting their posessions and their tomb, like tomb guardians.

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egyptians painted gods and goddesses on tomb walls.

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What was a tomb used for in Ancient Egypt?

It is used for burying dead people.

What part of ancient Egypt does tutankhamen's tomb lie?

The Valley of the Kings.

What was the name given to the burial chamber in ancient Egypt?

Tomb, or Crypt.

What does the tomb of menna look like?

Ancient Egypt. Please edit this answer if you have the actual answer. I don't actually know the correct answer.