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Q: What was jesus' greatest act of love?
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What is the answer to this question Jesus Christ is the greatest blank of gods love what is the answer?

Jesus Christ is the greatest GIFT of God's love

What did Jesus practice?

Jesus Practice love in everything. He said Love was the greatest commandment.

Just what exactly would Jesus do?

Jesus would act according to the greatest commandment: Mat 22:37 .................... 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' and the second greatest commandment" Mat 22:39 ............................ 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' Do you have a specific situation in mind?

What is the greatest act of worship and love?

One of the greatest acts of worship and love is showing compassion and kindness to others, regardless of their background or beliefs. It involves selflessly helping those in need, showing empathy, and treating others with respect and understanding. By practicing compassion and kindness, one can embody the essence of love and worship in their actions.

What does Jesus says about love?

He says to love and care for one another. Remember, gods greatest power is love.

What is God's greatest act of love?

sending us his only son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin and "renew" our friendship with him

Why is Jesus' greatest commmandment so important to us today?

It is still important that we all love each other how Jesus loved us.

What is the church greatest act of worship?

Eucharist greatest act of worship we can give to the father. We are not worshiping on our own, trying to reach God of our own accord, but in deep communion with Jesus in his worship, his total giving of himself.

What would Jesus do?

Think about it. He is Jesus what wouldn't he do.He would do the right thing in every situation, because he is the decider of what is wrong and what is right. That is what he did, and that is what he would do if he were alive again. Also jesus is the son of god so if god is perfect then that means that jesus is also perfect and when he came down on the earth he died for us to have ever lasting life. he would do the right thing....Jesus would act according to the greatest commandment:Mat 22:37. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'and the second greatest commandment"Mat 22:39. 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.'That is also the name of a very good book that explores that question:Charles Sheldon's 1896 book, In His Steps was subtitled "What Would Jesus Do?"

Is a Sin to think to do wrong?

kind of, a sin is going against Jesus's rules or cammands. but in order not to sin the bible says you just have to act in love. if you act in complete love then you shouldn't be able to sin

Why would Jesus teach love when it is just an emotion which is simply a chemical and neurological reaction in the brain?

Rather than an emotion chemically conjured up in the brain, the Bible teaches that love is a choice, a decision, an act of volition. There may be emotions associated with it, but at its core, love is an act of the will. The Bible teaches that the highest expression of human love is the giving of one's own life for another... which is exactly what Jesus did. It was the choice He made. Jesus chose to love. You might say He practiced what He preached.

Are religions teaching us love?

Absolutely! One great example is that in the Christian New Testament, Jesus says that the two greatest commandments are to (1) love God and (2) love your neighbor.