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Q: What was jobs age during his trials?
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How old was tituba during the trials?

No one truthfully knows Tituba's age.

What jobs did people have during the Neolithic age?

During the Neolithic Age, people worked as farmers, herders, toolmakers, potters, weavers, traders, and builders. These occupations were essential for sustaining the growing communities and developing civilizations during this period.

What is a negative effect of the growth of communities during the neolithic age?

One negative effect of the growth of communities during the Neolithic Age was the potential for increased competition over resources, leading to conflicts and warfare between groups. This could have disrupted social systems and resulted in instability within these growing communities.

How old was francis nurse of the witch trials?

He was 74 during the trials in 1692.


Because of the child's age. Anyone under the age of majority is entitled to have their identity protected during criminal trials.

What jobs did Jesus parents have?

Joseph was a carpenter, the women only worked in the house during that age.

Who was in charge the trials in Salem?

William Stoughton was the head judge during the trials. Thomas Danforth was the main government official involved.William Stoughton was the lead judge during the trials.

What does sporting mean in the Salem witch trials?

During the era the trials occurred during, sporting was used to mean fun. In reference to the trials, it was used by the opponents of the trials to express the possiblity that bored girls were lying about afflictions to have fun.

How many people were hang during the Salem Witch Trials episode?

Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.

Were there false accusations during the Salem witch trials?

It depends on WHEN. During the trials, there were not. Just after the trials, everyone who wasn't executed was falsely accused. And today, everyone was innocent and case was a false accusation.

Can a 17 year old work in a factory during the summer?

Generally someone who is under the age of 18 can't work manufacturing jobs (factory jobs)

What famous trials began in Massachusetts during the first week of March?

the Salem witch trials