

What was known about autism in the1930's?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was known about autism in the1930's?
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Can you be cured if you have autism?

There is no known cure for autism at this time.

Is autism a neural disorder?

So little is known about autism that we do not even know that.

What was invented in the1930s?

The television set was invented in 1933

What was life like for kids in the1930s?

waka waka waka

What are little known acts on Hitler?

Hitler had autism

Can autism be inherited sexually?

It cannot be acquired sexually. However, it can be inherited genetically. While all direct causes for autism are not completely known, there are some studies that indicate that parent with particular autism or autism-like symptomology can contibute to the likelihood that autism will surface in their children, thus establish a possible link to inheritability of autism or autism spectrum disorders. There are links to reelin gene mutations that also give rise to autism as well.

Was autism called something else before it was identified as autism?

Before autism was known as is, the oldest record of it was known as somebody who had been possessed by evil. There were false rumors about it being a threat to society and convinced everyone that it must be vanquished. No witch that was burnt had lived to tell of their lives.

What is autism and how is it controvertial?

Autism is a neurological difference, known as Autism Spectrum Disorder it impacts on how a person understands and responds to the world - it can include social and communication problems, sensory issues, meltdowns, and a wide range of other traits. Autism isn't controversial, but there are controversial subjects surrounding autism such as the problem of people wanting to eradicate autism and thus Autistic people.

Is it known how autism is contracted?

Autism has a genetic basis, and many people believe that it is caused by the genes being altered by environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or allergens. Scientifically, the cause of autism spectrum disorders is unknown.

Who is the autism expert with the first name of Temple?

Temple Grandin is a person known for having autism. She has written several books on the subject and given speeches about it.

Is there any record of someone with autism giving birth to a child with autism?

Yes, there are known situations of persons with autism having children with autism. There is a genetic component to autism. Some people with autism get married and have children. Some of those children have autism, but some do not. Autism varies in its severity, so other people might not recognize that a person has autism. Sometimes a parent with autism or Asperger's Syndrome is not diagnosed until after having a child with a more severe case that is diagnosed.

What did children wear in the1930s?

Practically, they wore everything we do today. Just not as fancy with sparkles and other things