

Best Answer

Last night is not a date for a Jeopardy program that will allow someone to search for the answer.

The Jeopardy archive is available if you know the date of the episode it has a record of the questions, answers, categories, and more and has been added as a related link.

Sometimes the Jeopardy Archive does not update the latest programs until the next day or until after a weekend and it can also be searched using key words for all records using that word

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Q: What was last night's final jeopardy question about the fifty states?
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What do the stars represents?

stars represent Christmas Valentine-nights and Love

Which country is divided in fifty states?

Really? Is that your question? The answer is the United States of America.

What is a city that holds all fifty states together?

Boston? The question is not very specific.

Fifty states or fifty-two in USA?

There is only fifty states in the USA.

What are there fifty of in a union?

States. There are fifty states in the union.

What large city in the US holds all fifty states together?

The answer to this question is Washington, D.C.Another way this question is probably stated is... I am a large city, but I am not in any state. I hold all fifty together. What is my name?

There are fifty in the union?

Yes there are fifty states that are incorporated in the United States...

Are there fifty two states in America or are there fifty states?

there are 50 states in the United States of America ...

In the US are there fifty states?

Yes, the United States has fifty states and a handful of territories.

What songs teach the fifty states and capitals in alphabetic order?

Fifty Nifty United States.

What does the stares stand for on the united states flag?

Each of the stars stand for states. There are fifty white stars and fifty states.

Are There Fifty Two States?

No, just fifty. Check wikipedia.