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Well, all I know is, is that women had it worse than men because the white slave master would rape the female African slaves whenever he felt horny. She could scream all she wanted but she couldn't do a thing. yah thats not all they wiped them too and some wpman couldent take care of their kids so they had to berry their kid are baby most likely babies:(

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11y ago

Life was very brutal , well because the slaves were forced to do very hard work, on the land and the crops, they could be beaten and whipped if they did something wrong or not good enough! i would say it is not a very nice thing to be a slave!

If you are interested in the study of slavery, i would recommend the series called Roots! it is about a African boy who has been captured and sent over on a slave ship to be sold and forced to work as a slave! you get to follow the life of the slave and see all the horrible things he has to go through!

The slaves had hard work to do, they had to get up at 4am to bring crops in from the plantations and they only had a 15 minute break. If they were late for work they would have been whipped. They worked very long hours, even the young children had to work long hours as well. The women what are pregnant had to work in till the baby is born. If the slaves didn't work hard enough they would be whipped by the overseer. At the end of the day, the slaves still had to do chores for the slave owner. They also had to prepare there own evening meals. Sometimes they were given pots and pans for cooking, but more often they had to make their own. They followed this routine everyday, apart from Sundays.

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12y ago

Wherever there was a plantation, there was a plantation home. The owner of the plantation lived there, as well as his family.

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It was hard very hard

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Q: What was a plantation home like in the southern colonies?
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Did the southern colonies have plantations and indentured servant and slaves?

Yes, the southern colonies did have plantations where crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo were cultivated. These plantations relied on a labor force that included both indentured servants and enslaved Africans. The institution of slavery became more prevalent in the southern colonies due to the expansion of plantation agriculture.

Southern colonies money?

Southern colonies made much of their money through agriculture. They grew a variety of crops like cotton and tobacco which were in demand back home.

Which region of the British colonies in America was plantation agriculture economically important?

Plantation agriculture was economically important in the Southern colonies of British America, including states like Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These colonies relied heavily on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, grown on large plantations worked by enslaved labor.

What are the southern colonies housing like?

A Southern Colonial home is often made with brick. Also, homes in the southern colonies often had two chimneys one on each side instead of a single massive chimney in the center.

How was education like in the southern colonies?

Education in the southern colonies were important

Why were there less slaves in the southern colonies than in the northern colonies?

The northern colonies had less reliance on plantation agriculture, which required large numbers of slaves, whereas the southern colonies relied heavily on cash crops like cotton and tobacco that necessitated a large labor force. Additionally, the climate and topography of the southern colonies were more conducive to slave labor in agriculture compared to the northern colonies.

What does a southern plantation look like?

It has slave stables and other stuff

What place had the most indentured servants and few slaves?

The majority of indentured servants were in the northern colonies, such as New York and Pennsylvania, while the southern colonies, like Virginia and South Carolina, had more slaves due to their reliance on plantation agriculture. Of these, Virginia had the most indentured servants, while South Carolina had relatively fewer slaves compared to other southern colonies.

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What are the differences between the English colonies?

The English colonies in North America can be broadly categorized into three main groups: New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. New England colonies (such as Massachusetts and Connecticut) were known for their focus on religion, shipbuilding, and trade. Middle colonies (such as New York and Pennsylvania) had diverse populations and were known for their agricultural production and trade. Southern colonies (such as Virginia and the Carolinas) relied heavily on agriculture, particularly cash crops like tobacco and rice, and utilized slave labor in plantation economies.

How did the southern colony make a living?

The Southern Colonies made a living by growing cash crops like tobacco and indigo and by using slaves for cheap labor. In the south they used the plantation system in which many of the plantations were self-sufficient.

Why did southern plantation owners switch to slave labor?

Because they felt like it.