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Life in Sparta was very different than from life in Athens. Sparta was an oligarchy meaning that it was only run by a few people, tarnishing hopes on other Spartans to serve in the government. On the other hand, Athens was a very democratic city state as each citizen had the right to serve. Also, Spartans believed in win or death but to never to surrender, as they were a very militaristic city state. By age 10, all boys were obliged to go through physical labor at strengthening camps, just to be strong enough in order to win wars at age 30 through age 60. During the process, kids were separated from their families at a very young age, and almost starved by the amount of food they were served at the camps. Women also had to be physically fit and it was a law for them to play tough sports, in order to give birth to strong babies. All weak babies would be terminated! Spartans lacked in amount of trade, and were not very skilled in science and education. In ancient Athens, people didn't really go through any physical labor since it was more of a time in peace. They were skilled in other areas such as education. All boys learned reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and an instrument called the Lyrre. On the other hand, girls did not learn very much, as they only learned household duties from their mothers indicating they didn't go to school. Athenians also had developed a good skill of trading, and also had a fair government, which was very different from Sparta. All in all, Sparta and Athens were two very unique city-states... Which side would you pick?

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Q: What was life like in Athens and Sparta?
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