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Q: What was life like in Bulgarian Concentration camps after World War 2?
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How was life and work in concentration camps?

Life was miserable, and the work was hard.

People a consetrasion camps tortured?

Most aspects of life in concentration camps were designed to be torturous.

What purpose of having the concentration camps as museums?

The purpose is to show people how life was like at tose concentration camps, and see what the hardships were, and what they faced. "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it"

What is Anne Frank later life?

She didn't have one. She died in the concentration camps of the Holocaust.

In 1940 life for Jewish people changed how and why?

by being killed, stuff being taken away from you and all of the camps of course such as: death camps concentration camps and more.

What can you do to make sure the Nazi Concentration Camps never happen again?

If the Concentration Camps are still going on today, then just seprate yourself from Jews and you wont be convited as anything and you wont have to spend the rest of your life in a Concentration Camp inless you are released

What was life for Jews like pre-ww2?

it was awful the went to concentration camps then they were gassed and burnt .

How were Jews suffering in concentration camps?

Life in concentration camps was horrible. In the mornings you stood for around 5 hours for Appel, roll call, before going to work for the day. Along with that, they always lived in constant fear.

What did they use the concentration camps for after the holocaust?

They are now a museum, a place to mourn and remember and be thankful for our life today

What were the dangers and hardships of life in the concentration camps?

You would either work to death or be gassed and/or shooted dead

Who is Abraham korn and how did he escape his concentration camps?

jesus christ is the way the truth and the life, no goes to the father but by him