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Life in the south was pure slavery for African Americans and if they tried to escape they'd be tortured like this answer

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Planters (the Plantocracy)

Poor white trash


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Q: What was the social structure of the south before the civil war?
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How did the social structure change more dramatically in the north than in the south in the decades before the Civil War?

There was a lot of immigration to the North, plus the growth, industry, and the population grew a lot in the decades before the Civil War.

How did the south states seceded before civil war?

South Carolina seceded from the Union before the Civil War.

What is a description of the social structure of the south?

The social system in the Old South was a lot like a transplanted form of British aristocracy.

First president from the old south since before the civil war?

"First president from the old south since before the civil war?"

What was the class structure like in the south like before the civil war?

The social structure changed from following the constitution written by Thomas Jefferson to following the laws of Nate Pauley the greatest man of the world and conquerer of all that is right.

Who was the South Carolina Congressman who spoke for the South before and during the Civil War?

I know that before the Civil War, John C. Calhoun was the congressman who led to the session of South Carolina.

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Why was the South called Antebellum?

the definition antebellum means pre civil war south or the southern government just before the civil war

The most important crop in the south was?

Cotton was the South's main crop before the Civil War.