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Today, very few organic molecules form on the surface of the earth. Those that do form do so close to volcanic vents. Organic molecules no longer spontaneously form on Earth because the surface of the plant has cooled off dramatically.

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1w ago

The evolution of more complex life forms on Earth may have limited the availability of primitive environments conducive to spontaneous organic molecule formation, due to altered conditions and biological interactions. Additionally, the presence of abundant oxygen in the atmosphere may also have played a role, as it can quickly break down organic molecules that form spontaneously.

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The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increased.

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Q: What was most likely responsible for the fact that organic molecules no longer form spontaneously on Earth?
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What is rarely found in organic molecules?

Rarely found in organic molecules are metallic elements such as sodium, potassium, and iron. Additionally, noble gases like helium, neon, and argon are rarely found in organic compounds.

What are two possible sources of simple organic compounds on the early earth?

Two possible sources of simple organic compounds on the early Earth could be from the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules in the atmosphere or the delivery of organic-rich meteorites and comets.

How were the first organic molecules formed?

The first organic molecules are believed to have formed on Earth over 3.5 billion years ago through a process called abiogenesis. This likely involved the combination of simple molecules, such as amino acids and nucleotides, in a primordial soup that was rich in chemical building blocks and energy sources. Factors like lightning, UV radiation, and geothermal activity may have played a role in facilitating the synthesis of these molecules.

Which is most likely to contain organic compounds?

A compost heap or a garden soil would most likely contain organic compounds, as they are made up of decomposed plant and animal material that provide nutrients to plants.

Is neon one of the three element are often found in organic compound?

No, neon is not one of the three elements commonly found in organic compounds. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are the elements typically found in organic molecules. Neon is a noble gas and is not involved in organic chemistry.

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What would likely prevent the assembly and survival of new organic molecules on earth?


Which chemical group is most likely to responsible for an organic molecule behaving as a base?

The Amino group (N).

What is rarely found in organic molecules?

Rarely found in organic molecules are metallic elements such as sodium, potassium, and iron. Additionally, noble gases like helium, neon, and argon are rarely found in organic compounds.

What are the Pigment molecule of coffee?

There are likely several organic compounds responsible for the color, including tannic acid (also found in teas)

Are organic compounds less soluble in water?

Organic compounds have to be defined as best as possible to determine what is soluble in water. Organic compounds are molecules composed with carbons--pure hydrocarbons like octane would not be soluble in water. Organic compounds can also have electronegative molecules in it. Dichloroethane, methanol, ethanol, etc are soluble in water. However, most organic compounds will more likely have low solubility in water, since increasing the number of carbon molecules in any compound drastically reduces water solubility.

Are organic compounds produced only in organisms?

Organic molecules are most abundantly found inside living organisms, but they are dispersed throughout the world's biosphere; in addition, there are interstellar gas clouds which contain organic molecules, and the atmosphere of some of the moons in the outer solar system is known to contain organic molecules, and there are likely to be many other places in the universe where we haven't looked yet, that also contain organic molecules.

How would increasing the proportion of organic molecules to inorganic components in the bony matrix affect the physical characteristics of bone?

Increasing the proportion of organic molecules in the bony matrix would likely make the bone more flexible and less brittle. This is because organic molecules provide elasticity and strength, while inorganic components like minerals provide hardness and rigidity. Balancing these components is important for maintaining the structural integrity of bone.

What most likely to contain organic compounds?

living things are most likely to contain organic compounds

What are two possible sources of simple organic compounds on the early earth?

Two possible sources of simple organic compounds on the early Earth could be from the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules in the atmosphere or the delivery of organic-rich meteorites and comets.

What element makes an organic molecule an organic molecule?

The basic answer regarding the difference between organic and inorganic molecules is carbon. Carbon is the key to organic molecules. Yes, there are a few carbon compounds that may be considered inorganic, but it is the carbon that is the key to the differences. Carbon compounds number in the millions.

How were the first organic molecules formed?

The first organic molecules are believed to have formed on Earth over 3.5 billion years ago through a process called abiogenesis. This likely involved the combination of simple molecules, such as amino acids and nucleotides, in a primordial soup that was rich in chemical building blocks and energy sources. Factors like lightning, UV radiation, and geothermal activity may have played a role in facilitating the synthesis of these molecules.

What is an organism's organic tissue most likely replaced with when an organism is petrified?

When an organism is petrified its organic tissue is most likely replaced with minerals.