

What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was not one of the Intolerable Acts.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Plato... the stamp act

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Q: What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?
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What happen as a result of the so-called intolerable acts?

The port of Boston was closed.

Why were the intolerable acts intolerable to the colonists?

These Acts were the harshest so far of all the Acts passed by Parliament. The closing of Boston's port alone would cost the colony (and the American colonies as a whole) a ton of money. The Regulating Act was aimed at curtailing revolutionary activities. The Quartering Act angered colonists who didn't want soldiers (especially Redcoats) in their houses. And the Quebec Act was a direct insult to Americans, who had been denied the same sorts of rights that the Quebec residents now got.

What was the colonial response to The Intolerable Acts?

The colonists began finding product through black market connections, they boycotted items such as tea, and did everything possible so they would not be required to buy product from British traders.

What are the main parts of The Intolerable Acts?

The first comment was really retarded so i deleted it. (sorry) ok this is prob the real naswer you're looking for :The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were four acts enforced on the Colonists from King George the Third, to punish them for the Boston Tea Party.1774 Intolerable Acts-1. The British closed all of Boston's Ports until the colonist's payed for the tea they destroyed during the Boston Tea Party.2. British restricted colonist to have government/committees/town meetings.3. British allowed them selves to house troops where ever, when ever, in the colonist's homes.4. They let British officials accused of crimes stand trial in Britain, instead of the colonies, and to make Tomas Gage (loyalist) be a governor of the colonies.Read more: What_were_the_provisions_of_the_Intolerable_Acts

Why did the colonists go to war with Britain?

They thought that they were being treated unfairly because of the Tea Act, The Stamp Act, The Intolerable Acts, etc. Britain would not allow them to have independence and become there own country so there only option was to go to war.

Related questions

Why did the crown pass the so called ''intolerable acts''?

The Crown passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the people of Massachusetts.

What happen as a result of the so-called intolerable acts?

The port of Boston was closed.

Why did the Intolerable Act happen?

The Intolerable Acts (so-called by the American patriots) were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party. They were called the Coercive Acts in Great Britain.

Why did the intolerable happened?

The Intolerable Acts (so-called by the American patriots) were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party. They were called the Coercive Acts in Great Britain.

Why did American colonist rename the coercive acts The Intolerable Acts?

The American Colonists renamed the Coercive Acts to the Intolerable Acts because they found them so unbearable.

Why did the colonists refer to the coercive acts as intolerable acts?

they were so harsh

What is the difference between the intolerable and coercive acts?

The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive laws passed by the British in 1774. They stripped Massachusetts of self-government in 1774 after in Boston Tea Party. They were also called the Coercive Acts, so there's no difference between these terms.

Why did the colonists call the Coercive Acts The Intolerable Acts?

because they had no say in laws they were forced to obey

Why did English call it The Intolerable Acts?

The English most likely called it that because they thought the Boston Tea Party was unacceptable or "intolerable" and so the british created those laws to punish Boston.

What is the intolerable act and the coercive act?

The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive laws passed by the British in 1774. They stripped Massachusetts of self-government in 1774 after in Boston Tea Party. They were also called the Coercive Acts, so there's no difference between these terms.

What is the difference between intolerable acts and coercive acts?

The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive measures imposed on the American colonies by the British in response to the Boston Tea Party in 1774. The Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, consisted of four laws that aimed to punish the colonists and restore British authority in Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party. In summary, the Intolerable Acts refer specifically to the series of British laws passed in 1774, while the Coercive Acts is another name for those same laws.

How did England respond to The Intolerable Acts?

They made them, so it didn't affect anyone there.