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Q: What was on human condition that contributed to the spread of the plague?
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What was one human activity that contributed to the spread of bubonic plague?

Eating rotten food

What was one human activity that contributed to thespread of the bubonic plague?


How the bubonic plague spread?

It was spread by fleas, who normally host on rats, yet in some cases, they used humans as a host, and thus started the plague. It cannot be spread from human to human; only way is for the flea to infect you.

Can the bubonic plague be spread through the air?

Not usually unless the person who had bubo had started developing septicaemic plague. septicaemic- this plague (there are three different types) affected the lungs and was transmitted from human to human.

What spreads the plague?

Well the plague started to spread because when the rat goes around where the human are , the fleas from the rats it jumps onto the human and sucks the blood and it also spread the plague when the human is not well it spreads to another person, when they can't cure it , mostly millions of people died from plague. Hope this help you :)

How did the great plague of London spread?

Rats were the medium initial carriers...but when human got they spead it quite easily

How did the plague spread from human to human?

The black death spread from human to human mainly in seliva. When somebody who had the plague kissed a preist for instance, the priest would have the plague. In those times, kissing each other on the lips was a sign of gratitude and friendship and love. It was common to kiss each other which didnt make the plague easy to contain instead of spreading it by kissing their loved ones before they died.

How do you get the black plague?

Plague is a disease that is spread by the fleas of infected rats. If you can kill all the rats, you can slow down the spread of plague. Unfortunately, the highly superstitious people of the middle ages associated cats with witchcraft with the devil, so many towns killed all their cats - which allowed rats to take over, and the plague came with them. So if you don't have plague, leave town and live in a cottage with lots of cats. You'll be safe from plague. Until the villagers come to burn down your house, because of all the cats.....

What is bubonic plague spread by?

the plague was spread by fleas with the bacteria "Yersinia Pestis" inside their bloodstream or gut. the fleas would usually live on rats and jump onto humans when they had a chance. once the fleas bit the human, they would regurgitate the bacteria into the bite wound. the human would not care about the flea bite because in those times they would usually get bitten all the time. the flea would then live on the human, either until it dies, or it finds another victim

What is an extinct human disease?

The Black Plague

What was the worst disaster to affect 14th-century Europe?

The Bubonic Plague, also known as Black Death, was the worst disaster to affect 14th-century Europe and was also one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. This plague was responsible for 75-200 million deaths.The plague presented itself in two forms:Infection of the bloodstream, causing the buboes and internal bleeding. It was spread by contact.Virulent pneumonic type that infected the lungs. It was spread by respiratory infection.

Briefly analyze the relationship of trade to the spread of epidemic disease in the 14th century CE?

Rats, infected with the Black Death got onto trade ships. The fleas on the rats would latch onto a human host, bite the human and infect said human with the plague.