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Not to be treated as king. They wanted him to act king like and he didn't do that.

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Marguerite Considine

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2y ago
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Berta Yundt

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The formation of a Cabinet, or the group of federal leaders who headed the major departments of the executive branch and advised the President.

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12y ago

The formation of a Cabinet, or the group of federal leaders who headed the major departments of the executive branch and advised the President.

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The formation of cabinets

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Q: What was one of George Washington's most important precedent's?
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What was george washingtons most important accomplilshment as president?

He did not take advantage of the opportunity to keep the power the country offered him

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What court establishes the most important precedents?

The U.S. Supreme Court.

Why are precidents important?

Precedents are important because they provide consistency and predictability in legal decision-making. They help ensure fair treatment by allowing similar cases to be treated similarly. Precedents also help establish and maintain the rule of law by providing guidance for future cases and promoting stability in the legal system.

Which of Washington's precedents do you think are most important to modern presidents?

addresing the president as "Mr.President"

What was one of Washington's most important precedents?

Not to be treated as king. They wanted him to act king like and he didn't do that.

What is george washingtons dads name?

Augustine Washington was George Washington's father. George Washington is most known for being the first President of the United States of America.

What was Washington most important precedents?

The most important precedent set by Washigton was that you could only be President for two terms. President's after Washington soon followed this precedent and now it has become a law

Who had the greatest impact on the economy during washingtons presidency?

Alexander Hamilton was probably Washington's most important adviser on the economy.

Which one of these was one of the most important aspects of washingtons presidency?

He did not take advantage of the opportunity to keep the power the country offered him.

What were George Washingtons nicknames?

George Washington's childhood nickname is unknown. His most known nickname is The Father of His Country. He was an important figure in the Revolutionary War and the first President of the United States.

What is George Washingtons's dad's name?

Augustine Washington was George Washington's father. George Washington is most known for being the first President of the United States of America.