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Q: What was one of the most important European explorers?
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Who was one of the most important European explorers?

Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortez, etc. (there were MANY impotant/famous explorers)

Who was the first person to claim lands in the Americans for Spain and was one of the most important European Explorers was?

Christopher Columbus

Why were the European explorers important?

Because they tried to find the northwest passage and now we know that no one can find it

Why Marco polos exploration was important?

It's important since he was one of the first Europeans to reach China and serve at the court of different emperors. His records have been an important tool for historians to learn about life in China in the 13th century.

Is Leif Erikson Polish?

Leif Erikson was one of the most important Viking (from Scandinavia) Explorers. He was Norse, not Polish.

How did European explorers effect Indians?

European explorers affected Indians in many ways. For one, the explorers tried to convert the natives to Catholicism and other Christian based faiths. They also took over native land, while spreading disease and other European bases ailments. The explorers, however, did educate many natives, as well as taught them about sailing, fishing, technology, and farming.

Who explored the red river?

The Red River was explored by various European explorers, including Spanish explorers in the 16th century and French explorers in the 17th and 18th centuries. One of the most notable explorers of the Red River was Pierre La Vérendrye, a French-Canadian fur trader who led an expedition to the region in the early 18th century.

What technology helped explorers?

Magnetic Compass Astrolabe Portolani Portuguese Caravel

How was the President of the US in 1140?

No one. There was no such thing as the U.S. at the time, nor had European explorers even found the Americas yet.

Who was the president of USA in 1405?

No one. There was no such thing as the U.S. at the time, nor had European explorers even found the Americas yet.

Did the european explorers ever find the northwest passage?

no they never found the north west passage because there was never one

Who was one of the most important European explore also was the first person to claim the lands in America from Spain?

Aztec or inca