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unrestricted submarine warfare

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Q: What was one unrestricted warfare development that led to US involvement in World War 1?
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What are the short term reasons for Germany losing world war 1?

Unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans provoked American involvement, following American involvement other countries joined the melee.

What event lead to the US involvement in world war 1?

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Sinking of the Lusitiana, the Zimmerman Telegram, and Political ties to Interviews.

The united States entered World War 1 largely over the issue of?

unrestricted submarine warfare

What was major factor in the decision US to enter world war 1?

Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare

Germanyhope that there submarine warfare and Attacks would lead to?

Germany's submarine warfare was unrestricted. These attacks led to World War I.

The major reason for America's decision to enter World War 1?

unrestricted submarine warfare

Was a major factor in the decision of the US to enter World War 1?

Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare

Why was the US fighting in World War one?

1. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 2. Sinking of several US ships

What caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War 1?

the Germans' use of unrestricted submarine warfare

The US tried to avoid involvement in world war 1 by following a policy of what?

When World War One developed, the US followed a policy of neutrality towards the nations involved in that conflict. In 1917, however, the German announcement that it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare pushed the US into the war against Germany and her allies.

What role did unrestricted submarine warfare have on the us during world war 1?

In WW1, the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare irritated neutral nations such as the United States and eventually helped public opinion to support the US entry into the war. In WW2 the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic irritated nominally neutral nations such as the United States and provided a rationale for increasing US support of Britain and its allies. In WW2 the American policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Pacific probably contributed to the degradation of Japanese economic capabilities as the war progressed.

What German policy contributed to the US's entry into World War 1?

Unrestricted submarine warfare (in the Atlantic).