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Q: What was one way an immigrant could begin the process of assimilation?
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How did immigrant girls get work in the US?

They protested until they where allowed to prove that girls could work just as hard as men.

What kind of help or support could a new immigrant get once he or she arrived in the us?

Stay is the best help one can get. Apart from that, it's about getting accustomed to the new lifestyle. Just spending time with the new immigrant will help a lot.

Are you a immigrant if you come from southern Ireland?

An immigrant is someone coming from a country other than the one that they are now in, usually with a requirement for documentation, like a visa, to enable them access to the country they are now in. In the context of Ireland, someone from the Republic of Ireland (the proper term for what people call southern Ireland) living in Northern Ireland, would not be considered an immigrant. Someone from the Republic of Ireland going to some other countries could be regarded as an immigrant. It depends on where they are going.

What caaured the 1919 labor strikes?

Technological advancements had left many without jobs, and their certain skill could be done by machine or an immigrant working a machine, and the labor for an immigrant was cheaper, thus they would not need the skillsman any longer, and they went on strike.

What was it like to be on a immigrant ship?

It would depend on what time and place the question is asking. Nowadays, immigration is mostly done by plane, but in the older times, such as the 1700's, being on an immigrant ship was horrible. Disease was often rampant, and many settlers died before getting off the ship. Pirates could also attack these ships. A few immigrant ships were also slave ships, so many died of the horrible sanitation and disease conditions.

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What could possibly happen if two black holes begin to interact?

They could merge into one. In the process, they would emit strong gravitational waves.

Where is Oscar from?

He is an immigrant, that moved to Australia. Thats all i could find.

Was one way an immigrant could assimilate?

by taking English classes

Is David Beckham the soccer player a immigrant?

David Beckham was born in the UK and now lives in the US, so it could be said that he has emigrated, but he is not an immigrant.

Could you have voted in ancient Greece?

Only if you were a male and have had military training. If you were a woman or a child or an immigrant, you could not.

Why did political machines become popular in immigrant neighborhoods?

Political machines became popular in poor immigrant neighborhoods because people who needed help could get it.

Why did political machine become popular in poor immigrant?

Political machines became popular in poor immigrant neighborhoods because people who needed help could get it.

When does the dying process start?

It depends what the person (or animal or plant) is dying of, on the individual circumstances, and where you consider the process of death to begin. It could be argued that if a person is alive one moment, and then unalive the next, that the actual process of dying is but an instant.

How can an illegal immigrant marry another illegal immigrant in the United States?

One illegal immigrant is able to marry another in the United States. However, it does not change the immigration status and actually could lead to deportation because of the paperwork filed with the state.

Could an illegal immigrant be deported if filing a lawsuit for sexual harassment?

Yes, even though the laws and jurisdiction would differ, state for a civil lawsuit and federal for immigration issues. Be that as it may, an illegal immigrant could not file such a suit to begin with, the person would not be legally employed and so would not be protected under US law.

Why did political machine become popular in poor immigrants neighborhood?

Political machines became popular in poor immigrant neighborhoods because people who needed help could get it.

How do you describe assimilation?

Assimilation refers to the process by which individuals or groups adopt the practices, beliefs, and customs of another culture, often leading to a level of cultural integration. This can involve adapting one's behaviors, values, and norms to better fit in with a dominant culture, sometimes leading to the loss of one's original cultural identity. Assimilation can be voluntary or enforced, and can have both positive and negative impacts on individuals and societies.