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Q: What was our relationship with japan like before World War 2?
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What was Japan and the US's relationship like in 1880's?

They were friends, but not in World War 2

What are Japan's relations with Germany like?

are terrible and not to be spoken of. thank youOther answer:Germany and Japan have never been at war with each other.They were allies during and before World war two.The current relationship is good.

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Japan was ok ;)

What is Japan's relationship with water?

Like Great Britain, Japan is an ISLAND NATION (surrounded by water).

What was the Japanese media like before World War 2?

Like Germany, it's ally; pro Japan, and pro military.

What was Japan and Americas relationship like after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

After World War II, America occupied Japan for a time. Then we became Japan's protector because the treaty at the end of the war specified that Japan would not have a military. The US still has a base on Okinawa.

What was the relationship like between Japan and America before the atomic bomb?

They were at war since Dec. 8, 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

What did Japan look like after World War 2?

Like a nuclear bomb exploded in japan.

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their relationship is like best friends in whole world.

What did japan want from US during World War 2?

before ww2 japan and America where in an aliance but when japan started taking territory we stopped giving them resources like rubber and oil so they bombed us and joined Hitler for resources.

What did japan contrinute to the world?

Personal stereo, like a walkman, ipod, mp3 player with earphones. Before that, music systems were very big and heavy.

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because they want a relationship like you had before with them