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Q: What was painted white after the british blew it up?
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How often was the White House damaged?

The British burned it during the War of 1812; it was painted white to help cover up the burn marks.

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The British when they blew up the powder magazine at York.

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they blew up hong kong

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personnaly yes i think so i had a white lighter it melted and nearly blew up.

What is the name of the White House?

The official name was the executive mansion for many years, but people have called it The White House at least since it painted to cover up the black marks against the British burnt it to a shell.

Which president was in the white house when the twin towers blew up?

George W. Bush

Why is the White House is painted white?

to cover up the burn marks from when it burned down in 1812

How can you make a sentence with the word 'Blew up'?

The terrorists blew up the building. The lab blew up after we mixed the chemicals together.

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he shot people and blew them up

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There are tons of volcanoes that blew up!!

Where did Picasso paint woman waist up with white hat in 1903?

Painted in Barcelona.

Why was The White House colored white?

In 1812 the British burned the white house in the War of 1812. When it was repaired it was painted white. Paint was very expensive in the 1800's so to have a whole house painted white was very unusual and soon when asked about where the president lived they would refer to the "white house". The name stuck and now it is tradition to call it the White House.