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Q: What was prohibition a result of?
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What is the result of the prohibition of 1920?

what is one result of prohibition during the 1920s?

How did chemistry change during prohibition in the 1920s?

There was a setback in terms of discoveries as a result of the Chemistry prohibition in the 1920's.

Why was prohibition introduced in 1919?

Prohibition came as a result of strong pressure from various Protestant denominations and temperance groups such as the Prohibition Party and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

What was a major resultof prohibition in the US during the 1920s?

A major result of prohibition during the 20s was an increase in gang activity.

What famous illegal formed as a result of the great prohibition?


What was prohabition?

prohibition came as result of the depression, it forbade the sale of liquor.

What was a major result of prohibition in the US during the 192027s?

gang activity .

What was the result of the Twenty-first amendment?

Prohibition was repealed 18th amendment repealed

What was a main result of national prohibition during the 1920?

respect for laws decreased -Dave

One result of prohibition during the 1920 was?

The enormous growth of organized crime.

How was Prohibition created?

Prohibition was created by means of a constitutional amendment, that was enacted in 1920, largely as a result of the efforts of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. They were an effective special interest group.

What increased during the 1920s as a result of prohibition?

Organized crime, violence, corruption of public officials, binge drinking, disrespect for the law, a realization that Prohibition was a terrible mistake that was creating enormous problems while solving none, binge drinking, death as a result of drinking tainted alcohol, illegal drinking establishments, and many more problems.