

What was propanganda?

Updated: 5/2/2024
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Propaganda is a form of communication where one side either bends the truth of present one side of truth to influence the attitude of the community.

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Propaganda refers to information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. It is designed to manipulate or influence people's beliefs, opinions, and actions.

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Q: What was propanganda?
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What is an example of propanganda?

An example of propaganda could be a political advertisement that portrays a candidate in a highly favorable light while exaggerating their positive traits and ignoring any negative aspects. It is designed to manipulate public opinion and persuade viewers to support the candidate without presenting a balanced view of the issue.

What does propanganda mean?

Okay, well the actual definition I found in my dictionary here at home is "an organized program of publicity, selected information, etc." So, what that basically means is a form of getting across a message, whether it be to help or harm something, like magazines, commercials and what not that helps to widely spread your message. Quite confusing.

Why was propanganda used in World War 1?

Propaganda was a weapon of words. People used this to rise or influence other countries/nations/people to take place or role in the war, or contribute somehow. Propaganda were commonly used to insult or get bad reputation for their enemies. This has been a great thing to use to get youth/or other people's opinion...but yet it had been this that Adolf Hitler used to gain supporters....who little did they know would be years of sorrow..and death..WW2.

How did propanganda serve the war?

Propaganda can serve to rally people behind a cause, but often at the cost of exaggerating, misrepresenting, or even lying about the issues in order to gain that support. While the issue of propaganda often is discussed in the context of militarism, war and war-mongering, it is around us in all aspects of life. At times of war, or build up for war, messages of extremities and hate, combined with emotions of honor and righteousness interplay to provide powerful propaganda for a cause.

Did a few insane leaders start the holocaust or was it supported by people?

The Holocaust started when Hitler became an unelected official, a Dictator, and somehow Indoctrinated the Germans to believe it was the Jews fault that they had lost World War 1 and all germans bad problems. most germans didnt support anyone this but barely anyone actually camed forward and tried to do something, the people who did it was killed immediantly. But, with the propanganda the youth supported this because they were toughed this unlike, the adult who most didnt support hitlers idea and believes.

Why is it important for students to learn propanganda?

It is important for students to learn about propaganda so that they can develop critical thinking skills and learn to recognize when information is being manipulated to influence their beliefs or behavior. By understanding propaganda techniques, students can become more media literate and make informed decisions about the information they consume.

What was one purpose of propaganda during World War 1?

propaganda was not limited to WW1, it is used in any conflict whether military or civil. Propaganda is best described as official government communications to the public that are designed to influence opinion. The information may be true or false, but carefully selected for its effect

Why was ET banned in France?

ET had never been banned in France.Where have you heard about that ?Only a dozen of movies has been censured or banned in France since the creation of cinema. Most of them were porno movies, or with explicit sexual contents.Some movies banned in France because of a war background.Intolerance, the David Griffith's long masterpiece had been banned for three years during ww1. From 1916 to 1919.Le petit soldat, Godard's second movie (after breathless) - banned 3 years from 1960 to 1963.and La Battaglia di Algeri, an Italian movie showing french soldiers torturing people during the War in Algeria (banned until 1971)NB : I do not include here the several bannishments under the German occupation and Vichy government, which would be worth a specific topic about German Propanganda in occupied France.

What was the job of Joseph Goebbels?

Goering was the commander of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) during this period, and was seen, early in the war at least, as second in line to Hitler in the Third Reich's hierarchy. He seems to have lost credibility following the failure to defeat the RAF in the Battle of Britain, with Goebbels and Himmler both superceding him in Hitler's esteem as the war dragged on. In the end, he surrendered to the allies and was later convicted at Nuremberg of crimes against humanity. Sentenced to death, he escaped the executioner's noose, however, by taking poison shortly before he was due to be hanged.

Why did the governments of of World War 1 Europe the US and Brave New World society feel justified in using propaganda on their own citizens?

Propanganda serves as a tool to spread their beliefs to the masses. Taking their policies to be the most beneficial to them and their citizens, they will thus see propanga as a perfect wat to propagate their ideas. Focusing on the World State in Brave New World, propaganda through hypnopaedia, helps to maintain stability (one of the mottos in the World State). One of their hynopaedic teachings, "Ending is better than mending", promotes consumption so as to maintain economic growth. This financial security will result in people being contented and thus, stablity can be easily achieved. Similarly in relation to measures taken by Europe in WW1 and the US, propaganda effectively spread their intended messages so as to stimulate the desired action and sentiments from the people. Assuming that they did not force their citizens to align themselves with thr governments' beliefs as it is out of their own free will, there is supposedly nothing wrong with using propaganda to reach their aims.

What did Hitler think about democracy?

Hitler did not like democracy. He was born in 1889 in a time of European monarchies and that is the only form of government that he was familier with. He despised them too and thought that they had become corrupt and were responsible for the lack of hope in the lower classes of the people that he grew up with. The form of government that he did espouse was very similar to commmunism in that is was socialist and supposidy for the little man, but with strong nationalistic overtones. Democracy meant mob rule to Hitler and he did not think Germany could become great by adhering to it. The ideal of a strong man to lead the people to greatness had long been prevalent in German thinking. Also the idea that the state and leader should have unquestioned obedience came from hundreds of year's of Martin Luther's teachings on man's relations with the state. After WW1 Germany had a democracy that given a chance would have worked, but with the worldwide depression and Hitler's constant propanganda against it, it failed and he and his gangster like friends took over and he became the supreme ruler of the people and the army.After murdering friend and foe and millions of innocent Jews this madman finally died by his own hand. Ironically, Germany today as a democracy is one of the strongest economies of the world, and their experiment with strong man rule will hopefully never be repeated.If Hitler was against democracy because it is irrational to let the mob rule, then there is a similar argument by Plato, and it goes something like this: Ruling a state is a skill. It is rational to leave the exercise of a skill to the experts. The people are not experts at ruling. In a democracy the people rule. So, democracy is irrational.On the other hand.... It is irrational to have a mad person ruling a state. A rational form of government is one where the people can vote out a mad ruler. In a democracy the people have the power to vote out a mad ruler. So, democracy is rational.____The question can be ed without reference to Plato and Luther! Like other German nationalists, Hitler asssociated democracy with failure, military defeat, mob rule and socialism.

How effective were the methods of propaganda used in the First World War in winning continued support for the war effort?

well it was effective in getting the US to join the war. propaganda is spreading ideas that support a cause or hurt an opposing cause, and when Americans used propaganda, it pushed the US onto the Allies side and against the Germans