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People could then share jobs and get jobs done faster.

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Q: What was result of people developing specialized skills?
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What is specialised skills?

Specialized skills are ones that are learned by very few in the population. Knowledge of cardiology skills are specialized skills for example.

What are the skills required by executive also explain the methods of developing such skills?

What are the skills required by executives? Also explain the methods of developing such skills.

What is developmental disabilities?

Developing mental skills slowly. Developing slowly. Not always mental skills.

What are effects of having specialized skills?

people looking up to you, or down to you. eternal shame, or eternal happiness

What is the meaning of developing language skills?

Developing language skills refers to the process of improving one's ability to understand, speak, read, and write in a particular language. This can involve expanding vocabulary, enhancing grammar proficiency, practicing pronunciation, and honing communication strategies. Strong language skills are essential for effective communication and can open up opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth.

What are Specialized skills for switchboard operators?


The skills needed to perform specialized tasks are called?

human relations skills

What is magic johnsons developing skills?

his gayness

Why is life skills important for clients in recovery?

Developing life skills helps people become more self-confident, successful, and able to turn down offers of drugs.

Describe the impact of job specialization on Neolithic societies?

Job specialization in Neolithic societies allowed individuals to focus on specific tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in activities such as agriculture, pottery-making, and tool production. This specialization also contributed to the development of social hierarchies and increased complexity within these early societies.

Why was the development of different job's important to Neolithic people?

The development of different jobs in the Neolithic period allowed people to specialize in specific tasks like farming, crafting, and trading. This specialization increased efficiency and productivity within communities. It also helped create a more organized and structured society, leading to advancements in technology and culture.

What specialized skills were needed to build pyramids?

mathematics,geometry,engineering,and architecture !!