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FDR's response to the Great Depression, was to restore America's economy and put faith back into the people on their country.

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Q: What was roosevelts reaspones to the Great Depression?
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What was Roosevelts approach to the Great Depression?

roosevelts approach to the great depression was that he was ready to experiment with governments actions to deal with the nations crisis

What was Roosevelts response to the great depression?

He created the New Deal.

What was the purpose of the sec during roosevelts new deal?

The SEC regulated the stock marketduring the Great Depression.

Which Great Depression will end up being worse the Roosevelt Great Depression or the Obama Great Depression?

Well we are not in a depression with Obama the only reason the economy is like this is because of our 43 president Bush So Roosevelts depression ended up worse because they were actually in a depression. You can thank Bush for the economic troubles

Are president Roosevelts solutions to the ecnomic problems of the great depression still in effefct today?

Yes. One of the largest is the Social Security Program

What was Franklin roosevelts plan to end the depression known as?

New DealAPEX

Franklin Roosevelts policies for ending the depression became known as the?

The New Deal

What was the name of Franklin d roosevelts program to help the United states out of the great depression?

in 1932 he was elected president of the united states on the promise of a "new deal" to help the country out of its economic trouble

What were the three Rs of President Franklin D. Roosevelts program to end the depression?

Relief, Reform, Recovery.

What was the Roosevelts first major action when he took over as president?

In the first 100 days of his presidency, Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued the New Deal, which strove to combat the poverty and unemployment of the Great Depression.

What was the name of Franklin D Roosevelts program to the United States out of the Great Depression?

The name of FDR's program was the New Deal. This helped give people jobs, but the thing that really helped the US out of the Great Depression was WW2, because it gave more jobs to people in factories making military parts and farmers for food for soligers.

What was theadore roosevelts hobbies?

Teddy liked hunting and the great outdoors.