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He couldn't play in any reindeer games.

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Q: What was rudophs punishment for having a red nose?
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Related questions

Is Rudolph the only red nosed reindeer yes?

Yes, Rudolph was unique in having his red nose.

What was Rudolphs punishment for his red nose?

He got laughed at and wasn't allowed to play reindeer games.

What was Rudolphs punishment for having a red nos e?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was not allowed to play in any reindeer games.

How do use the phrase red nose in sentence?

Everyone knows the reindeer Rudolph has a red nose. Santa's big red nose was redder after he was out in the cold.

Why is nose red?

rudulph the red nose reindeer..

Why comic relief called red nose day?

Well, "comic" is usually referring to someone or something funny so clowns are referrenced to as funny and with clowns having a "Red Nose" it's probably referred to that.

Does chip have a red nose or does dale?

Dale has a red nose and Chip has a black one

What do red nose pitbulls do?

A Red Nose APBT is defined by it's red nose, red nails, amber eyes.. and often, (but not always), a red coat.BTW, Red Nose and Blue Nose Pit bulls are exactly the same except for the difference in color. Red Nose, Blue Nose, Black nose, etc.. are all colors for dogs, not different breeds.

What sentence can you write for the word prominent?

Having a cold made his nose seem especially prominent since it was red.

What is name of a movie about a dog with a red nose?

red dog nose

Why is it called Red Nose Day?

because you wear a red nosebecause you wear a red nose.

What date will red nose day be in 2013?

It is gonna be on 15th March. Red nose day is a day which you have to dress up in a red nose day clothing or you could wear a nose.