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Q: What was the British planning to do when they reached the next town?
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What were the british planning to do when the reached the next town?

they were planning to battle the americans

What were the british planning to do when they reached the next town?

they were planning to battle the americans

What were the british planning to do when they reached the next town in the American revorlution?

find the captin

What were the British planning on doing when they reached a next town?

The specific plans of the British when they reached a next town would depend on the context and objective of their campaign. Generally, they may have aimed to secure the town, establish control, and potentially set up a garrison or administration. They would also likely gather intelligence, assess the situation, and proceed according to their strategic goals.

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Town planning.

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* town planning, urban planning (determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community)

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What were the British planning to do when they reached concord?

On April 19, 1775, the British troops marching to Concord had several aims in mind. Primarily, they intended to uncover and destroy arms that had been reportedly hidden there by the colonists. Secondarily, they were to identify and apprehend several independence-minded patriots who were rumored to be in hiding somewhere in the town.

What is the difference between town planning and urban planning?

Town planning typically focuses on smaller, more localized areas such as individual towns or neighborhoods, while urban planning involves larger scale planning for entire cities or metropolitan areas. Urban planning may also involve more complex issues like transportation systems, infrastructure development, and economic planning compared to town planning.

What is a sloap?

S.L.O.A.P. = space left over after planning. (town planning and landscape architecture)

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the british leader of the charles town battle