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it provided aid to cities that were rebuilding destructed areas

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Q: What was the Demonstration Cities Act of 1966?
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1968 Metropolitan City Demonstration Act Robert Kennedy?

Please show 1968 Metropolitan City Demonstration Act Section 3 Robert Kennedy

What was the name of the local political group that organized this demonstration?

The Sons Of Liberty

What did the great society act do?

The Great Society was a war on poverty and was led by Lyndon B Johnson. There were several things involved in the Great Society : a. Higher Education Act which allowed more students to attend college from things such as Pell Grants and loans, etc. b. It also included the Water Quality Act which started the testing of water for pollutants and bacteria in the water. c. The Air Quality Act also set standards for industrial and auto emissions. d. The Civil Rights Act outlawed segregation in all public places and facilities. e. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) wanted federal money to be given to bring all schools up to a code and for all schools to have the same quality education. The money was also used for libraries and new technology, special education, adult education, etc. f. The Medical Care Act (1965) was a compulsory system. Each pay check was docked to provide medical care for the elderly and the young. g. The National Endowment For the Arts and Humanities promoted creativity; PBS was born from this program h. The Model Cities Act (1966) made it so the cities could apply for federal aid to clean up slums i. Head Start programs as well as CAP and VISTA was also created. The US now had a form of a welfare system. Poverty levels declined (In 1973, only 11% of the population was under the poverty line). It divided the Democratic Party (Southern democrats were angry about the new Civil Rights Act and started to turn conservative). This plan also created a budget deficit because the U.S could not afford both Vietnam and the Great Society.

What did Johnson's Great Society program declare war on?

Poverty: The Great Society was a war on poverty and was led by Lyndon B Johnson. There were several things involved in the Great Society : * Higher Education Act which allowed more students to attend college from things such as Pell Grants and loans, etc. * It also included the Water Quality Act which started the testing of water for pollutants and bacteria in the water. * The Air Quality Act also set standards for industrial and auto emissions. * The Civil Rights Act outlawed segregation in all public places and facilities. * Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) wanted federal money to be given to bring all schools up to a code and for all schools to have the same quality education. The money was also used for libraries and new technology, special education, adult education, etc. * The Medical Care Act (1965) was a compulsory system. Each pay check was docked to provide medical care for the elderly and the young. * The National Endowment For the Arts and Humanities promoted creativity; PBS was born from this program * The Model Cities Act (1966) made it so the cities could apply for federal aid to clean up slums * Head Start programs as well as CAP and VISTA was also created. The US now had a form of a welfare system. Poverty levels declined (In 1973, only 11% of the population was under the poverty line). It divided the Democratic Party (Southern democrats were angry about the new Civil Rights Act and started to turn conservative). This plan also created a budget deficit because the U.S could not afford both Vietnam and the Great Society.

Which of the following statements about political maps are true?

A: they are the most common type of map B: they will show capital cities, major cities, and large lakes or rivers D: they may show how areas are broken into countries and states

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Demonstration cities act 1966?

The Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 was enacted to guarantee that federal grants were being spent on set projects. The act helped coordinate projects, whether for urban renewal, highways, transit or other construction.ImpactIn response to these new requirements, many urban areas started new planning agencies or commissions to include elected officials on their policy boards. By the end of 1969, only six metropolitan areas lacked an areawide review agency.

1968 Metropolitan City Demonstration Act Robert Kennedy?

Please show 1968 Metropolitan City Demonstration Act Section 3 Robert Kennedy

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because he was ugly!!@#$%^&*() 8^)

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The Last Act was created in 1966.

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Her single act of defiance mobilised the masses and became a rally point for demonstration

How do you spell demonstration?

Demonstration is the correct spelling.

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The demonstration was boring We had to do a demonstration on our science project.

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The Townshend Revenue Act taxed paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. This effectively led to the demonstration known as the Boston Tea Party.

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DEM is the abbreviation for Demonstration

Simple subject From somewhere in the middle of the crowd rumbled a spontaneous demonstration?

The simple subject is "demonstration."

What laws were aimed at the right to be informed?

The Cigarette Labeling Act (1965), Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966), and the Wholesome Meat Act (1967

What is a dilemma demonstration?

A dilemma demonstration is a non-violent demonstration. While most demonstrations pledge to be non-violent, a dilemma demonstration will try to put pressure on local officials.