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the myth has been exaggerated over time, it was more of a Trojan poney, most likely to help on the farm

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Q: What was the Greeks' plan involving the Trojan Horse?
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What did the Greeks plan to do in order to trick the Trojans?

The Greeks his soldiers in a wooden horse (Trojan horse) and gave it to the Trojans as a gift to get Helen back.

How did the Trojan horse lead the Greeks to victory?

The Greeks pretended to give up and sent the Trojan horse a gift to Trojans to show their defeat. However, they actually had a plan. Inside the horse hid the Greek's army. When the Trojans celebrated victory and fell asleep, the Greeks crept out at night and burnt and destroyed Troy.

Did Odysseus plan the Trojan horse?

Yes, he did.

How do the Greeks win the Trojan war?

The Greeks won by making a huge wooden horse and offering it to the trojans as a gift but had a lot of troops in it so when the trojans took it in and went to sleep and the Greeks popped out and killed them all. P.S. plan made by Odysseus

How is Odysseus connected with the Trojan war?

Odysseus was the king of Ithaca and leader of the that contingent of the Greek forces besieging Troy. He was known as the smartest of all the Greek commanders. Whenever the Greeks needed a plan they turned to Odysseus. It was he who conceived the Trojan Horse.

What happened in the Trojan war?

The gods split into two sides Greeks and Trojans. Athena was on the Greek side and came up with a plan to hide some Greek soldiers into a wooden horse. they gave the horse to the Trojans and the Greek soldiers inside waited until all the Trojan soldiers fell asleep and attacked. then the Greeks won because of Athena's smart plan.Odysseus also was with the Trojan horse because Athena helped him come up with the idea so they both get credit on the idea.

Who creates the idea of the Trojan horse?

Odysseus is the one who comes up with the plan.

How did odusseus leave the Trojan war?

Odysseus didn't exactly "leave the Trojan War," but he did "end it," in a way. He came up with a plan that involved the construction of a giant horse (the "Trojan Horse") which he filled with several Greek warriors, including himself. He then ordered the Greek forces to retreat far enough away from Troy that the Trojans thought that the Greek army had left. The Trojans were overjoyed the next morning when they realized that the Greeks had left. When they went to confirm this, they found the giant horse the Greeks had left behind. Because horses are a symbol of Poseidon, the patron god of Troy, they believed that Poseidon had somehow contrived to send the Greeks home. In celebration, they dragged the horse inside the city walls against the advice of the Trojan princess, Kassandra, a powerful seer and prophetess of Apollo. That night, while Troy slept, Odysseus ans his men climbed out of the horse and opened the gates of the city to the Greek army. The Greeks conquered and pillaged the city, and then went home, thus ending the Trojan war. Naturally, Odysseus went with them (thus "leaving" the Trojan war). Source: Homer's "The Iliad"

How was the Trojan horse used in the war?

The Trojan horse was used as a gift to one of the great empires because they couldn't get past their gates. So they built a great horse on wheels called the Trojan horse and they made a great plan to get past the gates here is the plan: they would build a great horse and gift it to the empire as a surrender but they put 300 warriors in it and gave it to them. The empire thought they had won and they all got drunk in a huge celebration then at 12:00 at night the warriors got out of the Trojan horse and slaughtered every warrior and the king and won the war.

What plan lead to the victory of the Trojan war?

The Greeks pretended to surrender to the Trojans, and gave them a "gift" of a large wooden horse. The Trojans accepted, but unfortunately for them, the horse was hollow and had several Greek soldiers hiding inside. When the Trojans were drunk and asleep that night, the soldiers crawled out and viciously slaughtered them.

How did the Greeks conquer the city of troy?

For a long time the battle was only held outside the walls of Troy. But after many years of warfare, Odysseus finally came up with a plan of the trojan horse. A wild tale was concocted that would lead the trojans to believe that they must allow the entrance of the horse. When night came and the trojans were all asleep after their drunken celebration, the greek soldiers came out of the horse and put fire on the houses and killed most of the trojans before the latter learned that they were tricked.

What was Odysseus plan to attack troy with a wooden horse?

His plan was to make a wooden horse as a gift from the gods (Troy thought the gods killed the Greeks) to troy and hide in the horse so the Trojans would bring it in their city. So at night they got out of the horse and open the gates so the other Greeks can come in and raid Troy