

What was the Iroquois transportation?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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They used birch bark canoes and snowshoes.

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Q: What was the Iroquois transportation?
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What did all Iroquois have as transportation?

bus and walk

What transportation did Iroquois people have?

The mode of transportation that Iroquois people had was walking and using canoes. Dogs were commonly used as the beasts of burden to carry items.

What did the tribe Iroquois use for transportation?

The Iroquois had elm bark canoes and they also walked by foot.

What modes of transportation were available to the Iroquois Indians?

they generally walk

What is the main transportation of the Iroquois first nation in Canada?

Sled and canoe

Did the Iroquois tribe use canoes for transportation?

Yes They Did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What were the uses of a Iroquois canoe?

The Iroquois used canoes for fishing, trading, transportation and transporting items like corn, other foods and animal skins.

What did the Iroquois use transportation?

They traveled by foot, by horseback and by canoe

What was the Iroquois main transportation?

answer my question or i will go on a different website because this site isn't givin me an answer

What did Iroquois use for transportation?

usually birch bark canoes

What kind of transportation did the Iroquois have?

they mostly got around by canoes made out of elm bark or they walked on foot

Did the Iroquois weave baskets?

The Iroquois tribes made twined cornhusk baskets for food storage and transportation. See link below for details, including images: