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Q: What was the Maryland city where Lee's troops were stopped during the southern invasion of the north during 1862?
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Why was Maryland such an important border state during the civil war?

Maryland was an important border state because it surounded DC. If Maryland seeced DC would be surounded by southern states and Lincoln would have no chance.

The civil war was fought mostly on northern territory?

No. Although major battles such as Antietam and Gettysburg took place in Northern states (Maryland, Pennsylvania), the vast majority of battles took place during the invasion of the South by Union forces.

Is Maryland a northern or southern state?

Maryland is technically a border state, but if you use the Mason-Dixon line as a dividing line, then consider Maryland as a Southern state.During the civil war, Maryland was an occupied state. Although it did not secede from the Union, about half the citizens supported the south.

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The southern Greek confederation which opposed the Persian invasion. They porvided contingents at Thermopylai and Plataia.

Who won in the invasion during the Persian war?

A coalition of southern Greek city-states defeated the invading Persian army and its Greek allies.

What major crops were grown on southern plantations in the new world during the 1600s?

Well, tobacco was definitely an important crop in Virginia and Maryland.

What southern state could not leave during the civil war?

Delaware. Delaware is a tiny state - it has only three counties. It was a slave state, like Maryland. Delaware borders only Maryland, and Maryland is in between Delaware and the rest of the southern states. Maryland tried to secede, and Lincoln imprisoned its governor and most of its state legislators without trial, and installed a new government in Maryland made up of pro-Union men. Delaware, seeing what happened to Maryland, did not even try to get out of the Union.

Which border states was the most crucial to the physical to the physical safety and protection of washingtondc during the civil war?

Maryland. That was why Lincoln felt it necessary to jail Maryland's pro-Southern leaders without trial (illegal).

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg being fought?

During their invasion of the North, on the way to threaten Washington, southern soldiers stopped off at Gettysburg to commandeer much needed shoes for the shoeless troops. They ran into a small Union force which delayed them until the main body of the Federal forces could occupy the high ground.

Is Baltimore Maryland north or the south?

Baltimore, Maryland is a borderland city, but, most people think of it as southern instead of northern. There was a lot of slavery in Maryland, and John Wilkes Booth came from Maryland. The state did not succeed from the Union during the Civil War, although I am sure many of it's residents thought of succession.

Were was the majority of the civil war fought?

In the Southern slave-states. Gettysburg was the only battle fought in a free state (Pennsylvania), during Lee's abortive invasion of the North.

What was a Southern sympathizer during the US Civil War?

During the US Civil War, some people in the Union favored the Southern cause for independence.Many of these people lived in the so-called "Border States". Slaveholders in Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland were often known for being sympathetic to the Confederacy.